October 01, 2011


Welcome back to Me! It turns out I've been on a hiatus. Not somewhere getting zen with nature or a hiatus from being single. Just a hiatus from my blog. The big year I had envisioned for myself has had its ups and downs. I've decided to get back on track. Call it Fall Cleaning if you will! I'm going to tackle my blog and everything else on my to do list.

No more pushing and pulling myself to fit the needs of others. Nope. This is my time. For my goals and dreams. My own adventures. It's time to get a little selfish and be a lot of Single in the City!

~~For all of my past, present and future gents:
If you feel that you bear any resemblance to the guys in my blog, it's because you do! Thanks for sparking my interest and my creativity.~~

Till next time


  1. This makes my heart happy!!!

    Look out City, the Single Girl is looking good!!!!

  2. Thanks! I'm feeling great! Here I come world!
