March 27, 2011


This weekend, a girlfriend and I went out to see a live show.  It's one of my favourite things to do here in the city.  I love checking out new bands and discovering a new love for music every time I'm out.  You can literally find a venue every night of the week that's offering a show.  This is one of the amazing things about Toronto.  This is also how you can get a bad case of what my girlfriends and I like to call, Band-itis.

The band we saw on Friday night, we had seen once before.  You can't helped but get sucked into the lead singer's vocals.  Because of that, you start your day dreaming.  He's a lead singer with stage presence and a great voice...and he's right in front of you!  You get the happy excitement and you can't seem to pull your eyes off of the stage.  This is a case of Band-itis.

It doesn't have to be the lead singer.  If there's a relatively cute guy rocking out on stage, I can't help myself!  He may be the bassist or the drummer.  Heck, I've even had Band-itis once for a cello player.  A man with talent is appealing to every lady out there.  It means he's perfected something and committed the time to becoming better at his skill.  This is a plus in my eyes.  But, for a guy that has mastered a musical instrument, that's just hot!  A guy with such a passion for music and the bit of 'I'm in charge' badass-ness it brings, is what creates the Band-itis.  Next time your out at a show, get lost in the music.  Really enjoy the atmosphere and the band.  If the band is good, you'll feel their passion on stage.  That's when you'll feel the rush.

Now, some band mates are going to be unattainable, like the above mentioned vocalist, or may have a cult following that you won't be able to break through.  But keep in mind, your at a live show.  Everyone there has a love for live music.  I bet you that the guy sitting at the table next to yours, has at one time or another in his life, played the guitar.  If not, hopefully he'll start taking lessons!

Till next time

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